I know that there are no words that can truly help right now. I too had a good friend pass away this past spring of cancer. What brave souls are the ones that try to spit in the wind of fate. I miss my friend so much, just as I know that you are feeling a void that can never be filled again. My heart is with you and aches for your loss.
to the "inquisition" of these days... that is on jw.com... may you have peace.. because there seems to be a 'movement' to 'expose' me as false, and judge and condemn me as a 'jezebel' and more... i would hereby like to confess my 'sins' and 'errors'... and repent my actions/inactions... before you... and all onlookers... if you will permit me.
thank you.. i confess... that i am a servant to the household of god, israel, and a slave of christ, by means of an anointing with holy spirit, which i received directly from the person of my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.. i confess... that i have been given the 'free gift' of holy spirit, in the form of hearing spirits, discerning inspired utterances, so that i hear not only the voice of my lord, the but voices of various spirits, so i am able to relate to others that hear, as well as those that do not hear... what the spirit says to the congregation.. i confess... that i have been freely given other 'gifts' of that same spirit, which gifts manifest themselves in me in various ways and which gifts i have not attempted to hide from anyone... man... or god.. i confess... that i have a love for my father and my lord to such an extent that i would subject myself to public humiliation, before all men, bear reproach now... and endure a 'torture stake' for the glory that awaits me, which glory i have nought but faith in, because i have heard of its certainty... and received my 'sealing'... directly from the one the promised such glory, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mishajah.. i confess... that i have agreed to 'repay' my lord for his love and kindness... the undeserved kindness granted me... in the only way that i can... by obeying his voice and going to the household of god, those that go with them, and any others who are 'thirsting' and 'wishing'... and telling them that the same gifts and glories undeservedly afforded me... can be granted to them as well.. i confess... that as a true servant to the household of god, by means of undeserved kindness, i have been granted to know the fruit of my father's spirit that is love... for all of mankind... including my enemies.
a love such it compels me to tell what i hear to those who wish to hear of it, even at risk to my own spirit... whether they hear... or they refrain.. i confess... that contrary to what is 'usual' among so-called professed 'christians' and 'anointed', i have not sought to compel people to follow me, or to join any church, religion or other institution of 'theology', and will not, but instead, have asked and spoken only that any who 'hear'... and any who wish to hear... hear... and follow the voice of the fine shepherd, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.... i repent... that i am but mere flesh and blood, a woman, a 'foolish thing' and 'weaker vessel', so that i do not always have the strength to stand against the opposition facing me, although i have wished no harm, no evil, no malice toward any.. i repent... that at times my forehead is not as hard as flint, and my heart is not so protected so as not to feel fright when facing off with my adversary and his agents.. i repent... that i do not possess in me the gifts of the spirit that grant miracles, such that those who do not believe can have the 'scales' removed from their eyes so as to see the things 'unseen', things almost too glorious for me to utter... with their own eyes... rather than simply ask for and be granted the 'free gift' of holy spirit and see for themselves.... i repent... that i do not possess in me the 'perfect' love that would move me to not feel hurt and pain when derided and ridiculed, but be able to say to my father, as did my lord, "forgive them father, for they do not know what they do.
I couldn't have expressed it any better myself. Perhaps it is jealousy, maybe spiiritual hurt from men and their orginazations, maybe a loss of faith that there really is something beyond what they can see. It doesn't really matter, because they have already been forgiven.
well, here it is, after almost 20 years 12 of those serving in position of responsibility it comes down to my spiritual execution(jw style).
allow me to explain.
for those who you who still remember me from h20 under the name truthexodus i came to post my experience as an elder of local congregation in nyc area.
I was at h2o when you started posting. I could see that you were troubled and had a heavy burdon that you were carrying. I know that the situation is unpleasant for the moment, but this too shall pass. I do appreciate all the work and help that you have been to otheres and, of course to our Bill. And thank you for comming foward and speaking your mind.
What ever happens with the Kangaroo Judicial Comittee, You can have the peace knowing that did nothing wrong and questions are never wrong. Isn't that what the WTBTS asks us all to do when we are in another religion? Why would it be wrong for them?
May you find peace and the love from your supportive wife.
i'm looking for some thoughts/advice regarding this conversation my sister and i had via instant messenger.
(see below- names have been removed) i have been out of things for a while but i still don't feel very comfortable giving advice as everyone is different.
i have tried to avoid being df'd because of my family.
Thanks for letting us hear into your personal life. I know that all of this can be quite trying, but parents have to let go of their kids and kids have to let go of their parents. Unfortunately, all of this matter-of-fact life, has been complicated by being in a cult.
I don't know how old you are, or what your sisters situation really is, but she knows what she is doing. She knows who her true friends are. She also knows what the outcome of the position that she is putting herself into will be. Although not pleasent, you will be a support to her, and so will we. (She is on the net and can come here for ? ? ? , answers.) Maybe it would make her feel better if she knew that one of the governing body was df'd for having lunch with a df'd friend?
Peace and love to you both, Not Perfect df'd for the samething.
Thanks for the solid information. I will be contacting the local press with the story.
Tina: You mentionned the WTBTS getting a therapist to agree with their method. They have one in the borg and he is a very good dr. Some have heard his name before, Larry Onada.
I don't think this guy is looking for little girls in his area. I just wanted to put it out there that I know that I knew someone that victimized his own child. No one in the WTBTS could have known what happenned in his own home. I guess that I just came into his family and had a little more knowledge of the "World" than he did.
It is a very sad thing. Everytime Silentlambs posts, I just want to cry. I was a rape victim when I was 43 and I put that sob in jail. I didn't need 2 witnesses. The DA took my word. But the WTBTS has a Standard. They call it Biblical. There ARE 2 witnesses to all crimes, but I don't think that they know that Jah is looking. (You Know, "We must protect that Holy Name that we carry"). How can they throw dirt at others when their robes are filled with "unclean things".
I just hope to protect all others from any of these types of crimes. I have some lovely little ones still in the wtbts. I don't know the criminals that have been reported in their area. I doubt that any would be in the wtbts. Well, not reported that is.
Thanks for your thoughts and I hope that your words help someone else too.
Peace, Not Perfect, and never will be.
"Grandpa, what would you have done differently if you would have known it would have turned out like this?" (peggy sue) "I'd have taken better care of my teeth", from "When Peggy Sue Got Married"
I know that Amazing has gotten our input on how many victims/ perps we might/did know. I am here to say that I suspected my Father-in-law of such crimes against his daughter, but I had no hard evidence. That was 25 years ago, but her mental health record over the years,is enough for me to know that my feelings were correct.
I know that Silentlambs is doing his best to get the message for change out there now, but how can we help those that have been victims so many years ago? Any input?
I do appreciate the words in your heart. Many of us out here are with you. We know lambs and maybe are lambs that have been beaten by the ones that have forgotten that their debt was paid by Jesus sacrifice. We lambs are crying out and will be heard. The cry is calling out for justice to the only one that can provide such release. Jehovah, do you hear us? How long must we suffer? Will this be enough of a cry to end this shame on your holy name?
I don't think that I am a fundy either, but may I ask a question or 2 in retort? Can you prove that you exsist? I know that there is someone posting with your name, but how do I know that your are really a person? I know that you have displayed a personality, but you could be just someone else using the handle that is yours.
There have been some posts that suggest that the only reason that we/people have a need for a God/father figure, is because our parents weren't everything that they should have been, or that they die and leave us. I have pondered that and don't really buy that either. I watch the birds, do you? They create a home for their babys and feed them. They teach them how to fly and then show them how to live their lives and seperate to go on with their own lives. They don't tell them about cats or other big birds that will eat them for lunch. We aren't birds and we don't usually have something wanting to eat us for lunch. Why is that? (I hope that you don't live in a jungle and will be lunch for some tiger).
Why is the human race so complex then? If there isn't a creator/higher power, then what is the point of any of this? Why would you spend your time on a jw site, if there wasn't something pushing you on to find an answer? Do you really expect to find an answer? That is something that you have to look inside your self to find. There is no place or person that you will find to answer your question anywhere, but you allready knew that, didn't you.
All I can say is to let go of the jw thing and stop looking to have other humans give you thier answers for your questions.
Be who you are, unashammed. I am Not Perfect, and have discovered that I NEVER will be.